{% if(product.manufacturer and product.manufacturer.logo) %}
{{ product.manufacturer.logo.thumbnail('product_detail_manufacturer').getHTML({imgAttributes: {class: 'img-fluid float-right'}})|raw }}
{% endif %}
{{ product.oSName }}
{% if(product.mainImage) %}
{{ product.mainImage.thumbnail('product_detail').getHTML({imgAttributes: {class: 'img-thumbnail1 img-fluid'}})|raw }}
{% block additionalimages %}
{% set additionalImages = product.additionalImages %}
{% if(additionalImages) %}
{% endif %}
{% for image in additionalImages %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% if(product.manufacturer and product.manufacturer.logo) %}
{{ product.manufacturer.logo.thumbnail('product_detail_manufacturer').getHTML({imgAttributes: {class: 'img-fluid float-right'}})|raw }}
{% endif %}
{{ product.oSName }}
{% block colorvariants %}
- {{ 'general.color' | trans }}
- {% for colorVariant in product.colorVariants %} {{ colorVariant.color | colorname }} {% endfor %}
- {{ 'general.body-style' | trans }}
- {{ product.bodyStyle.name }}
- {{ 'general.car-class' | trans }}
- {{ ('attribute.' ~ product.carClass) | lower | trans }}
- {{ 'general.condition' | trans }}
- {{ ('attribute.' ~ product.saleInformation.saleInformation.condition) | lower | trans}}
- {{ 'general.milage' | trans }}
- {{ product.saleInformation.saleInformation.milage}}
{% set priceInfo = product.oSPriceInfo %}
{% set price = product.oSPrice %}
{% if(priceInfo.rules) %}
{% endif %}
{% if(priceInfo.hasDiscount) %}
{% if product.saleInformation.saleInformation %}
{{ 'general.your-benefits' | trans }}
{% for rule in priceInfo.rules %}
- {{ rule.label }} {% endfor %}
{{ priceInfo.originalPrice }}
{% endif %}{{ price }}
{% for taxEntry in price.taxEntries %}
- {{ taxEntry.entry.name }}: {{ taxEntry.percent }}% ({{ taxEntry.amount.asNumeric | currency(price.currency.shortName) }}) {% endfor %}
{{ 'general.available-in' | trans }} {{ ('attribute.' ~ product.saleInformation.saleInformation.availabilityType) | lower | trans }}
{% endif %}{% block description %}
{{ 'general.additional-information' | trans }}
{% if(product.description) %}{{ product.description | raw }}
{% endif %}
{% if(product.manufacturer) %}
- {{ 'general.manufacturer' | trans }}
- {{ product.manufacturer.name }}
- {{ 'general.country' | trans }}
- {{ product.country | country }}
{% if(product.attributes.dimensions) %}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.dimensions.length, 'general.length') }}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.dimensions.width, 'general.width') }}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.dimensions.wheelbase, 'general.wheelbase') }}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.dimensions.weight, 'general.weight') }}
{% endif %}
{% if(product.attributes.bodywork) %}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.bodywork.numberOfDoors, 'general.numberOfDoors') }}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.bodywork.numberOfSeats, 'general.numberOfSeats') }}
{% endif %}
{% if(product.attributes.engine) %}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.engine.cylinders, 'general.cylinders') }}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.engine.capacity, 'general.capacity') }}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.engine.power, 'general.power') }}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.engine.engineLocation, 'general.engineLocation') }}
{% endif %}
{% if(product.attributes.transmission) %}
{{ macros.attribute(product.attributes.transmission.wheelDrive, 'general.wheelDrive', true, 'attribute.') }}
{% endif %}
{{ 'general.accessories' | trans }}
{% for item in accessories %}
{% include 'product/product_teaser.html.twig' with {'product': item} %}
{% endfor %}