{# @var cart \Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\CartManager\CartInterface #} {# @var product \App\Model\Product\AbstractProduct #} {% extends 'layouts/layout.html.twig' %} {% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile(SDKUrl) %} {% block content %}

{{ 'checkout.payment' | trans }}

{% include 'cart/shared/order_summary.html.twig' %}
Test Payment Data
Credit Card
Type Field Value
Visa number 4111111111111111
expiryDate Date in the future
cvc 123
Mastercard number 5555555555554444
expiryDate Date in the future
cvc 123
any data works, allows you to decide the payment result
Test Credentials here in the sandbox
{% endblock %} {% do pimcore_inline_script().appendFile(asset('static/js/payment.js')) %}