{{ pimcore_input('productTeaserTitle', {'placeholder':'Enter Title'}) }}

{% if editmode %}
Teaser with personalized content:
Content of this teaser will be personalized for visitor if possible. Personalization parameters are manufactures and car classes of visited car detail pages.
Manually assigned cars are fallback and will be displayed when no personalization is possible.
{% endif %}
{% if editmode or not usePersonalizedData %} {% for i in 0..2 %}
{{ pimcore_renderlet(('productTeaser'~i), { type: 'object', editmode: editmode, controller: 'App\\Controller\\ProductController::productTeaserAction', title: 'Drag a product here', height : 'auto', width: '100%' }) }}
{% endfor %} {% else %} {% for product in productList %}
{% include 'product/product_teaser.html.twig' with {'product': product} %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}